I the Light
A generative light art sculpture that emulates an ever-changing starscape, capturing the essence of the universe's cosmic beauty.
I the Light is an interactive and generative light art sculpture that depicts the intricate beauty of the universe. When individuals interact with the sculpture, their presence is recorded and stored as a memory embedded in the starscape, making it a personal portal into the world of memories written in the stars.
Advanced technology, including AI, lighting, multilayered etched mirrors, and human interaction, come together to create an immersive sculpture that transports the viewer into a dynamic starscape. The generative programming continuously evolves the depiction of stars, which bloom, burst, fade, and coalesce in a never-ending interplay of creation and destruction. In the same way, the memories merge, morph, and orbit each other in an interplay similar to the cosmic fluidity of the universe.
I The Light is installed in private homes. It serves as a repository for everyday memories, which are recorded and transformed into a continuously evolving and generative starscape depicted within the sculpture.
Drawing inspiration from philosophical inquiries into the nature of consciousness and perception, the sculpture serves as an exploration of memory's role in shaping individual perspectives and, consequently, the world at large.
Materials: custom AI software, generative algorithms, interactive system, participatory composition, etched mirrors, aluminum frames, LED lights, and depth camera.
Custom Software: Mihai Jalobeanu
Dimensions: 83 x 43 x 5 in / 210 x 110 x 12 cm
Year: 2024