
Eyes of the Skin II

A light sculpture depicting the abstract impression of sunshine, where the light in the artwork changes its appearance based on the perspective and ambient light.


Eyes of the Skin II, is a second interactive performance between choreographer Jennifer Salk and Maja Petric that explores concepts of tenderness and fragility. The project was commissioned by Henry Art Gallery in Seattle and installed across all 3 floors of the Gallery (40000 square feet/3720 square meters).
*Title of the dance performance is inspired by Juhani Pallasmaa’s book Architecture and the Senses: The eyes of the skin.

A collection of six images taken throughout the collaborative installation at Henry Art Gallery.

Upon entering the Henry Art Gallery, viewers moved through the interstitial spaces — hallways, stairwells, elevators, ramps — experiencing site-specific audio-visual installation in interaction with dance. These small environments created places of vulnerability, playfulness, intimacy, fragility, and cruelty and led to the main space Stroum gallery. There, a large wall was converted into an interactive environment. It progressively “cracked” and disclosed an illusion of a realm behind the wall. To do this Maja utilized a custom video mapping software developed by computer scientist Hrvoje Benko that recognized openings in the wall and projected birds only in these areas. When the wall openings were closed by dancers or visitors, the image would not be visible any longer.

A wall converted into an interactive environment, cracking over time to reveal an illusion of a realm.

Exhibited: Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, WA, USA
Year: 2012